Dùng Freegate Software Để Vượt Tường Lửa
Thân chào bạn hữu gần xa,
Như các bạn có để ý và theo dõi tin tức trên mạng thì những dạo gần đây đảng Việt gian Cộng Sản VN đã có một kế hoạch quy mô “bịt miệng” và bưng bít tất cả nguồn thông tin “lề trái” bên trong nước qua các trang mạng, blog, facebook .v.v…. đồng thời chúng cũng tung tin tặc “hackers” của chúng ra sức đánh phá liên tục các trang nhà, trang blog ở hải ngoại, mặt khác chúng tìm cách chận người dân trong nước và hải ngoại truy cập tin tức bằng hình thức dùng “bức tường lửa” (firewall), nhưng sự thật luôn luôn là sự thật, do đó chúng không thể nào dùng giấy để bọc lửa TỰ DO DÂN CHỦ và SỰ THẬT mãi mãi được. Trong bài cũ “Cách Vượt Tường Lửa – Không Cần Cài Đặt”
thì này xin cống hiến đến thân hữu 1 cách khác để vượt tường lửa, đó là cài đặt Freegate Software vào máy vi tính PC của mình, các bạn có thể vào link dưới để tìm hiểu thêm. Nếu có người làm ra ổ khóa được thì cũng có người khác làm ra được chìa khóa, không có gì làm lạ ! Cho những bạn thích “mạo hiểm” vào các trang nhà của tụi VC thì hẳn các bạn đã biết cách phòng VC chúng truyền Sida vi rút (virus), Malware, Spamware .v.v… vào máy của các bạn bằng nhiều phương thức khác nhau như dùng Ghost imaging, Virtual mahine, Deepfreeze, Shadow user .v.v… phải không nào ?
Mỗi người chúng ta là 1 chiến sĩ trên mặt trân thông tin, phá vở sự bưng bít, bịt miệng của bạo quyền VC.
VhD 1/12/2011 – Chúc các bạn may mắn.
Freegate is a free anti-censorship software for secure and fast Internet access. It is a Windows application that runs on most Windows platforms from Windows 98 to Vista, as well as on Linux and MAC through http://www.winehq.org/ . Freegate is developed and maintained by the Dynamic Internet Technology Inc. (DIT), a pioneer in censorship-circumvention technologies. For more information about Dynaweb, Freegate, and DIT, please visit http://www.dit-inc.us.
Freegate Software
- Freegate 6.79 Professional Edition (released on 12/1/2008): Download Professional Edition
- Freegate 6.79 Emergency Edition (released on 12/1/2008): Download Emergency Edition
Beginning with version 6.77, Freegate writes configuration parameters into the ini file. When Freegate 6.77 is launched for the first time, a new file called "fg.ini" is created in the same folder as the Freegate executable. The old settings are not applied for Freegate 6.77. Under "Status" tab, there are two vertical bars for upload and download traffic watcher, so users know if they are surfing via Freegate. The old user defined file "freegate.ini" no longer applies to Freegate 6.77. Instead, user can modify the [UserDefined] section in the "fg.ini" file.
Freegate 6.7 series have enhanced anti-censorship functionality. In addition to stability and speed improvements from the second generation product, Freegate 6.7 series implemented the third generation, F3 tunnel, encryption technology. The most advanced features enable Freegate to support many modalities of internet communication.
Freegate is a green and free software. You may download and run it without any installation.
To circumvent some anti-virus and firewall products' mistaken identification of Freegate as a back-door Trojan, we have provided multiple variants of the same Freegate software for download. The download links are displayed one at a time. All variants of Freegate are functionally identical. In the meantime, we are contacting the software vendors to correct this mis-classification.
- Freegate 6.77 Professional Edition (released on 9/9/2008):
Download exe Download zip signature md5sum
- Multilanguage Support (version 1.1, released on 11/30/2008)
Beginning with version 6.76, Freegate Professional Edition supports multiple languages. Five languages are currently supported, they are Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Spanish and Farsi/Persian. Upon program start, Freegate automatically sets the interface language to the default language on your computer. The user may also manually change Freegate's language setting. If your selected language does not display correctly, please 1) download the following dynamic link library (.dll) file, 2) place it in the same directory as Freegate's executable (.exe) file, and 3) restart Freegate.
Language | DLL file |
Farsi/Persian | |
Spanish | |
Simplified Chinese | |
Traditional Chinese |
- Stunnel Proxy Package for Freegate(revised on 2/1/2008 with Stunnel 4.20):
One of Freegate's encrypted tunnels uses the Stunnel software. This file is optional and only needed if you set up the Stunnel tunnel in Freegate. For more information, please refer to the Freegate user guide.
Note: Stunnel is developed by a third party. Please visit http://www.stunnel.org to obtain the latest version.
- Freegate User Guide:
- Freegate Screenshots
GProxy Add-on for Firefox (version 1.60 released on 8/20/2008)
GProxy is released by The World's Gate, Inc.
GProxy is a Firefox/Thunderbird add-on (tool bar and status bar icon) that helps users to manage and switch proxy settings easily. It supports GPass, FreeGate, UltraSurf, Garden, and other proxy systems, with Chinese and English interface.
Many users consider Firefox a more secure and convenient browser. However, when they used it with FreeGate, UltraSurf, or Garden, they had to change its proxy setting manually, and reverse the setting after use. GProxy aims to solve this problem.
GProxy is available for download as a freeware for personal use from http://gpass1.com. To install it in Firefox, just drag-drop the download file to the Firefox window. To install it in Thunderbird, use the Tools > Add-on menu.
Verify File Signatures
PGP signature is used to verify that the file you've downloaded is exactly the one that we intended you to get. You will need to get our pgp key first. The signing key we use is 0x52A73A12. You can search 0x52A73A12 and download the key from public key server http://www.keyserver.net/. Or you can download the key from Dynamic Internet Technology, Inc. Please see How to verify signatures on released files for details.
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