Tuesday, April 19, 2011

30 - 4 : The BLACK APRIL - The Fall of Saigon


Whenever talking about Vietnam War, most of the US politicians, officials, journalists, or political pundits would mention it in a way the war is their own, the South Vietnamese at that moment seem to be invisible or just the bystanders, bearing no brunt of the war effort. But there was one day, only one single day in which all of them would shy away from that claim. The day they have nothing to do with that war. The day they return the outcome back to the South Vietnamese: The APRIL 30th 1975.

For that reason, one has heard some very familiar words like "The Fall of Saigon," "Evacuation," "Frequent Wind Operation," etc. Those technical terms and euphemism are conveniently served just like the toilet papers to cover somebody's own mistakes and to wipe out his embarrassing accident. So let's tell straight out what it is on that day: Cut-and-run.

April 30th, 1975: The day South Vietnam is delivered to Evil due to betrayal and abandonment. If you have never been told the real ugly stories of that fatal day, then this is the chance. Let the following photos speak for the innocent civilians, the abandoned plain sodiers, and the deads!

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

Source : http://vnafmamn.com/black_april.html


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