Monday, April 4, 2011

Tổng Hội Cựu Tù Nhân Chính Trị VN lên tiếng

Federation of Association of Fomer Vietnamese Political Prisoners
62 W.Kingsbrige Rd, Bronx.NewYork 10468
Phone: 718-364-3673, Email:


Mr. William Powers, Jr., President of University of Texas at Austin
Ms. Madeline Hsu, Director, Center for Asian Studies
Mr. Thomas Garza, Director, Texas Language Center

Reference: Vietnamese Language Class and Instructor

Dear Sir/Madam:

The Federation of Associations of Former Vietnamese Political Prisoners is writing this petition with consent of our staff and 41 local chapters in the United States and other countries.
We were former servicemen and women in the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces. After the Vietnam War, we were imprisoned by the Vietnamese Communist for years.
We are writing to express our gratitude of your decision in removing the Communist Vietnamese flag from your web page, but to us the issue is not completely resolved without addressing the Vietnamese literature curriculum or its teachers at your center. In a communist state, each teacher is trained to achieve its party objectives. To understand the communist party goals in shaping the future generation, I would like to quote a method succinctly described in the Communist Party Education Workers Congress:

"We must create out of the younger generation a generation of Communists. We must turn children, who can be shaped like wax, into real, good Communists.... We must remove the children from the crude influence of their families. We must take them over and, to speak frankly, nationalize them. From the first days of their lives they will be under the healthy influence of Communist children's nurseries and schools. There they will grow up to be real Communists."
End quote

Vietnam is one of three communist nations left in the world which have not denounced their national identity as communist states. In their latest Congressional paper, the goal of achieving a communist heaven is carefully crafted in its national objectives. We have no personal contact nor any issue with Mr. Hoang Ngo, but his educational background from Vietnam National University revealed he is a communist party member and state certified teacher. We also learned that the value of education and diploma in Vietnam are questionable since students can hire other people to attend the class and take exams, also can buy the diploma.

Please, put yourself in our shoes, would you entrust your child to the teaching of a communist party member and teacher who was indoctrinated with the cited educational method? Many years of hard labor and solitary confinement under communist police state had taught us lessons about this inhuman system. We hereby request you to rethink your Vietnamese teacher recruitment program. We have many Vietnamese American citizens who have sufficient training, experience, and willingness to teach proper Vietnamese to our children without devious political motive. Please help offering this teaching position to people within our Vietnamese American community and give us a chance to teach Vietnamese literature to our children, so they can learn to understand our true culture, language art, and respect for humanity.

Chau Trung Nguyen


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