- On November 21, 2014, members of the VBN (bloggers Nguyễn Hoàng Vi,
Mẹ Nấm and Dương Lâm) met with Mr. Charles Sellers (Head of Political
Affairs), Mr. Garrett Harkins and Ms. Betsy Allens to discuss the
continuation of the WWTK Campaign.
This is one of our follow-up efforts to promote the WWTK Campaign after
our request for the public disclosure of the 1990 Cheng-du Conference
was refused by the Department of People’s Wishes (Southern Office of the
National Assembly).
VBN representatives explained to US officials that the aim of the WWTK
Campaign was to promote the right to know and to demand transparency
from the Government of Vietnam regarding issues of national interests.
But instead of replying to WWTK’s request, the authorities used violence
against our members and closed down the National Assembly’s Southern
VBN members also pointed out that although Vietnamese citizens have to
shoulder the main responsibility for the Campaign, they need
international support, especially from foreign governments. They also
discussed with US officials about how the WWTK request may be sent to
the National Assembly via diplomatic channels.
US Consular representatice, Mr. Sellers, assured us that the US
Government is concerned and supportive of peaceful efforts to improve
human rights such as freedom of speech and the right to know. The US
Consulate expressed hope that the push to improve Vietnam’s human right
situation will soon produce good results.
The three US consular officials also expressed concerns about the safety
of civil society activists in Vietnam after VBN members briefed them
about various methods used by Vietnamese authorities to suppress people
who fight for the respect of human rights and for democracy - citing the
case of violence being used against blogger Nguyễn Hoàng Vi.
Dương Lâm, Me Nam - Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, Charles Sellers,
Betsy Allens, Nguyen Hoang Vi and Garrett Harkins
Translated by Hanh Trần