Thursday, December 27, 2012

TIN KHẨN : Các loại nước tương mang mầm bệnh ung thư

Tin khẩn,
          Tất cả các loại nước tương mang nhản hiệu dưới đây đều mang mầm bệnh ung thư.  Xin các bạn đọc và chuyển cho thân nhân và bè bạn
của mình .

Please throw away all Lee Kum Kee, Kimlan, Pearl River, Golden
Mountain, Sin-sin, Golden Swan, Jammy Chai, Golden Mark , Tung Chun products from your pantry. Cancer-causing chemicals found in soy sauce

by SEANPOULTER, Daily Mail

Cancer-causing chemicals have been found in nearly one in four samples
of soy sauce and other Chinese flavourings tested by food watchdogs,
it was announced yesterday.
In some, the levels massively exceeded international safety limits
while others contained traces of a banned toxic substance.
Yesterday officials issued a 'hazard alert' and demanded that
supermarket shelves be cleared of the products and that consumers and
caterers throw out the offending brands.
The list also includes varieties of oyster sauce, mushroom sauce and a
chicken marinade. All are likely to be used in Chinese. Vietnamese or
Thai restaurants.
Virtually all the brands involved were imported from Thailand, China,
Taiwan and Hong Kong, and sold through specialist Chinese
supermarkets. None of those sold by major retailers contained the
The Food Standards Agency, which carried out the tests, believes the
most likely buyers will be Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai restaurants and
families from Eastern and South East Asian backgrounds.
It stressed that occasional users were unlikely to be harmed but there
was concern for people consuming high levels of the products.
The samples involved in the survey of 100 products were collected more
than five months ago.
Explaining the delay in publishing the findings, the FSA said it had
to run a detailed analysis, contact importers and trace the history of
consignments. The chemical 3-MCPD is considered so dangerous that the
EU will not allow any more than the tiniest amount in food - just 0.02
mg per kg.
Yet one of the products, sold under the brand name Golden Mountain,
contained close to 5,000 times that figure. Just two teaspoons would
be equivalent to 20 times the acceptable daily intake recommended for
a woman.
The survey also revealed traces of an even more harmful chemical,
1,3-DCP, which is banned from all food because it is toxic to genes,
as well as carcinogenic.
Some 24 of the 100 samples were positive for 3-MCPD and two thirds of
these had traces of 1,3-DCP. The two are thought to create a higher
risk of liver cancer.
FSA deputy chairman Suzi Leather said: 'Soy sauce can be produced
without these chemicals and we expect swift action from the industry
to ensure that the planned EU legal limits are met.' The shops the FSA
tested were concentrated in Leeds, Manchester, London and Cambridge.
However the brands are likely to be available nationwide and worldwide
where the Asian communities are located.
The products carried the brand names:  Golden Mountain, King Imperial,
Pearl River Bridge, Jammy Chai, Golden Mark, Kimlan, Lee Kum Kee, Tung
Chun, Sinsin and Golden Swan.
Some of the makers and importers have claimed that they were the
victims of counterfeiters.


NOTE: - underligned means adding to the original by the sender.
             - please support the sign posted below sent by Minh Khoi
from France and encourage Asian
               Restaurant and Supermarket to display the same for
"peace of mind" to the consumers.
             - If you need a FREE Color Poster (similar to the sign
below) to display at your Restaurants or
               Supermarket, please do not hesitate to contact Tam at
408-561-9409 for free distribution.
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