Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bức thư Anh ngữ kêu gọi quốc tế chú ý và can thiệp cho Đỗ thị Minh Hạnh

Thư Anh ngữ của ông Việt Sĩ kêu gọi quốc tế chú ý và can thiệp cho Đỗ thị Minh Hạnh: 

(Quý vị có thể dùng mẫu thư này để gởi đến dân cử của quý vị. Xin hãy cùng nhau lên tiếng để cứu Đỗ thị Minh Hạnh. - HLTL)


August 25th, 2013
The Honorable United States Senators and House Representatives:
Washington DC
United States of America

Ref.: SOS! Young student, Prisoner of Conscience Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh has been sentenced for 7 years in prison by the authorities of Vietnam and being physically and mentally abused in her jail cell (Her photo attached/ Attachments).

Dear Madams and Gentlemen,
Would you please refer the attached documents / photo and kindly help rescue our young 27-year old patriotic political dissident/ Prisoner of Conscience, student Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh, who has been arduously serving her 7-year jail term without the legally due-process trials in the court of laws only for having peacefully voiced out her viewpoints on the Sovereignty and the Independence of Vietnam against the illegal, systematic political and economic invasion of the People's of Republic of China which is not permitted by the international laws. Ironically, she has been also physically and mentally tortured/ abused in her prison cell. Her parent's desperate plea for help are attached.  

Your prompt attention and humanitarian intervention/ assistance to help release young student Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh is highly grateful as God always bless America and its beautiful Democracy which constitutionally protects its every single citizen's Dignity, Human and Civil Rights. Thank you.
Respectfully yours,

Independent Advocate for Human and Civil Rights for the People of Vietnam.  
Việt Sĩ  
San Jose, California

- Honorable David B. Shear, U.S. Ambassador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 
- Honorable Rena Bitter, U.S. Consul General of the U.S. Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City
- Honorable Congressmen and Congresswomen (Australia)
- Honorable Congressmen and Congresswomen (Inter-European)
- The Conference of Catholic Bishops of Vietnam (CCBVN/ HĐGMVN)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- Human Rights Organizations
- NGOs
- Media

- Vietnamese Communities around the world
- Concerned Ladies and Gentlemen
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