"...Nó hỏi bộ đồ tang này chị đem theo để làm gì. Tôi nói đồ tang này
là bộ đồ tang tóc, tan nhà nát cửa, vợ chồng tan nát. Nó hỏi tại sao
chị đi cái ngày này? Tôi nói ngày 30 tháng 4 là Ngày Quốc Hận của Dân
Oan Việt Nam chúng tôi. Tại sao chị nói cái ngày 30 tháng 4 là Ngày Quốc
Hận? Tôi trả lời ngày 30 tháng 4, 39 năm giải phóng cho ai? Có phải
giải phóng cho dân tụi tui không hay là giải phóng cho cái chế độ đảng
cộng sản này? Nếu mà giải phóng cho chúng tôi thì ngày giờ này 30 tháng 4
chúng tôi đã ở nhà chúng tôi ăn mừng chứ không thể nào chúng tôi đi ra
ngoài đường đây để chúng tôi cầm biểu ngữ chúng tôi giăng chúng tôi đi
như một bà điên..."
Dân oan Hồ Giang Mỹ Lệ làm việc với nhóm công an Quận 4.
Ai là người đã lên tiếng xúi dục bà
đi biểu tình đòi trả đất đai nhà cửa bị cướp?: Chủ Tịch Trương Tấn Sang
và Thủ tướng Nguyễn Tấn Dũng
Đoạn video clip quay lại lời kể của bà Hồ Giang Mỹ Lệ về buổi tra hỏi
tại cơ quan công an Quận 4 sau khi bà bị nhóm 5 tên công an côn đồ con
nít tuổi 20 bắt và hành hung tàn bạo trong xe thùng cảnh sát.
Clip video này được thực hiện sau khi bà kể lại câu chuyện bà đi biểu
tình, bị hành hung và bị đưa về công an Quận 1 đã được phổ biến trên các
trang mạng ngày 01/05/2014 và về nơi tạm trú nghỉ tịnh dưỡng các vết
thương và cơ thể bị bọn công an quận 4 đánh bầm dập:
Dù trong tình cảnh cơ thể của bị ê ẩm sau trận đòn hội đồng của bọn
công an choi choi tay sai, bà vẫn hiên ngang anh dũng kể lại cuộc đối
thoại trực diện với bọn công an “hèn với giặc Tàu ác với dân mình”.
Bà không phải bị bọn công an hạch hỏi điều tra mà chính bà là người hạch tội và tố ngược lại bọn chỉ biết còn đảng còn tiền.
Bản lược dịch tiếng Anh những lời kể của bà Mỹ Lệ:
Ms Hồ Giang Mỹ Lệ is resting to sooth her pains caused by the severe beatings from the Vietnamese communist police agents
Mrs Hồ Mỹ Lệ is really in the very bad shape
Mrs Mỹ Lệ: Yesterday, on 30 April they (VC police agents) beat me so
cruelly and inhumanly. Today my whole body is aching all over. I was
forced into a special room in the 4th District. The police interrogated
me about the reasons of wearing weepers
Police agent (P.A):Where were the weepers from?
I replied to them that they are the result created by this regime. In
the previous regime (Republic of Vietnam), we did not know the term
"unjustly treated citizen".
They took out the set of sackclothes and asked me:
P.A: what is the purpose of wearing these sackclothes
I answered to them that these clothes are for mourning. Mourning for the
lost of our lands and the wrecking of our homes caused by the policies
of this regime, for the separation of husband , wife and children.
They then askes me: "Why you chose this day to protest?"
I replied: "the day 30 April was the National Day of Wrath and Sorrow of our unjustly treated citizens".
They asked: "why you say thay the day 30 April was the National day of Wrath and Sorrow?"
I argued with them.
They raised their voice: "Why you argue against me .You only answer directly about the question I put to you?"
I said that the day 30 April is the National Day of Wrath and
resentment. In the last 39 years who were liberated in South Vietnam?
Were our people liberated? Were we, ordinary people in South Vietnam
were liberated, or this communist party and this communist regime were
liberated? If we were the ones being liberated then this day 30 April we
should stay at home and celebrate this occasion, not wandering on the
street in Saigon to hold protesting banners, asking for true justice,
like insane people.
They asked me why we went to the area of the US embassy? Where else you
went to stage your protest? I replied that we staged our protest at 4 Le
Duan St
I then asked them back: "do you know the place with number 4 Le Duan St?"
They said: "the US embassy". Then they asked: "Why you go to the US
embassy to raise the complains? why you didn't go to lodge the complains
in the right places?"
I said: "lodge the complains at the right place and no one cares to
resolve!" You all already know clearly that this Vietnamese communist
party has been causing the country's economy collapsing. The country is
deeply in debt, corruption has reached to the uncontrollable state in
all levels of this communist government, the incidents of innocent
people were murdered by security forces are getting worse. Now the top
communist party members have called for help from the world community to
allow Vietnam to enter TPP so they can get assistance to salvage the
country from being bankrupted. Like the top communist leaders are asking
for assistance from the US, we, unjustly treated citizens, also go to
get help from the US President Obama to help us.
They said that we were incited by others!
I pointed my finger directly to theirfaces and said: "you call Mr Trương
Tấn Sang and Mr Nguyễn Tấn Dũng! They are the ones who incited us”. It
was them who said that (you) have to protect unjustly treated citizens
who come out to inform about corruptions.
Have you protected us or you collaborate with those corrupted officials
and turn around and order your junior secret agents attacking and
beating us?
Now we know the dark side of the communist regime. I tell you the truth.
Right from the first day of making official complaint against unlawful
land grapping, I knew that I will be attacked, bashed , or imprisoned,
or being murdered by the communist police and the thugs. Every time
before leaving home I remind my husband that if in the future I was
killed, that is the result of the actions of this communist regime. I
told this right at the faces of those communist interrogators taking
notes of the questionings. I told them that "we Vietnamese rather die
with dignity and live with shame and humiliation". You people take
notice. You treat people satanically now then later you will get the
same and even worse in return. I told them so much. They told me that
someone have instigated us into the protesting activities.
I said: "You people have instigated us! your communist party has coached
us to do this, no one else. You crawl to the enemy (China) but satanic
to your own kind, the Vietnamese civilians. You treat ordinary people
like rubbish, like weeds. You rob from us in broad daylight. In the end
you gag and kill us to shut off our protests. You must see with your
eyes, five or six of you attacked and bashed me.
You must know how low your communist party is.You people are so crruel and evil! With only me alone only one of you can kill me but you used 5, 6 strong and bulky thugs to attack and bash me.
You must know how low your communist party is.You people are so crruel and evil! With only me alone only one of you can kill me but you used 5, 6 strong and bulky thugs to attack and bash me.
You must know how low your communist party is. You people are so crruel
and evil! With only me alone only one of you can kill me but you used 5,
6 strong and bulky thugs to attack and bash me.
The photos you took tell all the truth and no need for me to tell more,
the whole world already knew your satanic actions against innocent
They already how this communist party treats and cares for the Vietnamese people.
I plea with the world to pressure the Vietnamese communist government so
ou people could have real human rights, real freedom, real democracy.
Because they (VC) always bloat that Vietnam has human rights but the
reality is taht we never have human rights. They keep on bloating that
the people is the most important core of the country. But they treat the
people even worse than animals. You just look, we are all weak women
but they cruelly tackled us in group of 5,6 bulky young thugs against
one of us like a pack of wild animals on a prey. That is how they always
bloat that they are for the people and because of the people. I demand
Trương Tấn Sang, you are the President of the country. You please stand
up for our right. We have listened to your advice to stand up and
denounce corrupt activities of government officials and their
collaborator interest groups. And now we are attacked, bashed and
tortured like this by your police forses. You please look at our fates,
look at the photos recording us being attacked. Your own communist party
is killing the people like that. Now we have to plea and beg the world
community to force the communist party to do the right thing as they
have always bloated. In order we could have true human rights, true
freedom. true democracy. So our families could reunite and return to
peaceful and normal happy life. Without fear of being robbed by the
authorities collaborating with interest groups, and no more protesting
and complaining, no more living on the street fighting for the returning
of our lands and properties.
Thank you, thank (Mr Trưong Tấn Sang)
Translated by:
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