Kính chuyển đến các bạn tại Hoa Kỳ và tại Úc kháng thư viết cho thủ tướng Nhật Yoshihiko Noda (bằng tiếng Anh).
Xin quý bạn tùy tiện xử dụng gừi cho TT Noda qua tòa đại sứ Nhật Bản tại Washington DC và tại Canberra (Úc).
Quý bạn chỉ cần điền tên và địa chỉ, ngày gửi, in ra, ký tên rồi gửi qua đường bưu điện.
Đây không phải là một Petition kiến nghị lấy chữ ký, mà chỉ là lá thư cá nhân. Hinh thức này vẫn thường được các tổ chức nhân quyền như Amnesty International…. áp dụng.
Các bạn cũng có thể gửi thư này
qua Fax: 202-328-2187 (Main)
hay qua E-mail (culture & Information):
Facsimile: (02) 6273 1848
E-Mail (Culture & Information):
Dr.HongAn Duong
Letter to Jap PM Noda Embassy Canberra
Your name
your address
Prime minister
c/o Embassy of Japan in Australia
112 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla ACT 2600,
and date
With astonishment did I learn of the decision of the Japanese government to supply Vietnam with two nuclear power reactors.
It is not that long ago that your very country was ravaged by a deadly tsunami and earthquake, which resulted in a nuclear catastrophe. As a consequence of this terrible tragedy, Japan decided to abandon nuclear energy and "create a future society without nuclear power plants," a decision that I so much welcome.
Given that wise step, I became even more surprised and very disturbed as your government now wants to export nuclear power reactors to Vietnam for a plant. With that plant, you will not only bring to Vietnam an unsafe and risky technology, but very probably also suffering, sickness, and death to the Vietnamese people. An accident like the one in Fukushima could also happen any time in Vietnam. If the risks of nuclear power plants even in a high-tech country such as Japan cannot be controlled effectively, then how on earth could they be in a low-tech nation like Vietnam? The planned location for the nuclear power plant in Vietnam, in Ninh Thuan province, is often hit by severe storms and floods that threaten an emergency power supply.
I would therefore sincerely ask you and, at the same time, urge you to cancel at once the agreement you signed on October 31st, 2011 with Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. The acquisition of nuclear power technology enacted by the Vietnamese Prime Minister was not in the name of the people. Vietnam is not a democratic country and, therefore, its government was not elected by the people. As Japan has shut down her own nuclear power plants, logically Japan cannot and should not export them.
Please act in the interest of the Japanese people, the Vietnamese people, and all humanity! Please show that Japan truly earned her reputation as a modern, just, and peaceful country. The human race will thank you.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Sincerely yours,
(your signature)
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